Graduate School Life Science Munich

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LSM Alumni

BioAlumni - Alumni of the faculty of biology

Stay in touch with your former graduate school members join the BioAlumni! 

Being up-to-date on current affairs and maintaining contacts are the basics of an academic career - all the more reason to stay in touch afterwards...

Via our BioAlumni-network you have the opportunity to keep in touch with your LMU Faculty of Biology. Our offers to you are:

Our biannual newsletter will inform you about news of the faculty, current research results and events. Furthermore we hope to offer field reports of BioAlumni that will give you close insights into their professional experiences.

We would like to invite you to get involved with our career event for current students in hope to facilitate their own professional entry.

Become a member now! CLick here!!!


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Dr. Sabine Bachmaier wins BioNa research prize also in the picture Dr Ralf Heermann, organizer and award attributor.

Former LSM student Dr. Sabine Bachmaier was the recipient of the 2017 BioNa Nachwuchsforscherpreis with the topic "Understanding the social behavior of a tropical pathogen." Congratulations Sabine!

Kati Böhm

Dr. Kati Böhm

AG Bramkamp

Anna Christina Erpf

Dr. Anna Christina Erpf

AG Mikeladze-Dvali

Dr. Monika Fuchs

AG Vothknecht

Roman Herzog

Dr. Roman Herzog

AG Papenfort

Liang-Yu Hou

Dr. Liang-Yu Hou

AG Geigenberger

Dr. Yanfen Li

AG Michalakis

Liu, Nan

Dr. Nan Liu

AG Leonhardt

Fabian Meyer

Fabian Meyer

AG Bramkamp

Sara Naghavirad

Sara Naghavirad

AG Ringgaard

Olga Naglo

Dr. Olga Naglo

AG Vollmar

Parvin, Nargis

Dr. Nargis Parvin

AG Vothknecht

Marina Pavlou

Dr. Marina Pavlou

AG Michalakis

Felix Popp

Dr. Felix Popp

AG Schüler

Ried, Martina

Dr. Martina Ried

AG Parniske

Senés, Carolina

Dr. Carolina Senés

AG Schuessler

Smets, Martha

Dr. Martha Smets

AG Leonhardt

Dr. Paul Staab

AG Metzler

Sophie Stief (Née Janich)

Dr. Sophie Stief

AG Leonhardt

Dan Su

Dr. Dan Su

AG Jung

Kavyaa Venkat

Dr. Kavyaa Venkat

AG Papenfort

Wolf, Patricia

Dr. Patricia Wolf

AG Leonhardt

Dr. Yaqun Xin

AG Gompel

Astrid Zinz

AG Boshart

Lena Zobel

Dr. Lena Zobel

AG Michalakis