Graduate School Life Science Munich

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PD Dr. Bettina Boelter (Plant Sciences, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology)

PD Dr. Bettina Bölter

Plant Sciences

Protein translocation into chloroplasts

Chloroplasts are semi-autonomous endosymbiotic organelles, which depend on the post-translational import of proteins from the cytosol. Protein translocation into chloroplasts is mediated by two multi-subunit complexes in the outer (TOC) and the inner (TIC) envelope membrane, which constitute the general import pathway. Other routes into the chloroplast seem to exist but knowledge about these is scarce. The process of protein import needs to be tightly regulated at several levels to ensure that all needs of the chloroplast and the surrounding cell are met at any given time.

Our group works on the characterisation of the import process and analysis of the TIC complex composition as well as on the function of the individual components. We are especially interested in import regulation at the level of TIC and how signals are transferred to the surrounding cell. We could recently show that the redox status of the organelle is a crucial parameter for import activity and TIC composition. It connects fundamental metabolic functions in the chloroplasts with the fine-tuning of protein import, showing the potential to react in a very complex manner to primary metabolism and environmental changes.

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